Saturday, January 29, 2011

I will not be silent

My heart is heavy tonight after I read a nauseating article and letter from a victim of human and sexual trafficking. She is pleading to the Super Bowl Host & National Football league to take a stand against the horrific increase of sexual trafficking that is going to take place this year. Did you know that last year during the 2010 Super Bowl, it was reported that there were tens of thousands of victims. My heart dropped to my stomach. As I continued reading her plea my soul grew angry...weary...sick and saddened for these silenced women that are being forced, abused, threatened, and even killed all for the sake of guilty pleasure. These girls are in their young teens...they are being fooled and tricked into a life of slavery. They are in our country. They are in the most populated city of the year. For what? For the Super Bowl. To be sold for sex. And the men who are visiting these women, these young girls... couldn't. care. less.

So tonight I cannot be silent. I must voice this to my KING. I must cry out to Him on behalf of these precious daughters. I must beg that He would put an end to this, that He would create a movement among these people that are receiving the letter. That they would NOT GIVE IN to promote the human trafficking industry. That redemption would be found for these girls. That the pimping industry would be NO MORE. So I ask you tonight, would you join me? Would you pray over these women and men in the coming days?

You can find the article and letter here. You can also find a prayer guide for the campaign, Traffic911 here.

For more information on human trafficking you can visit or

These children, teenagers and women need a voice....

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gotta love updates

I just love a good home update. And thanks to my ever-so-handy husband we got to do that very thing to our kitchen. Our kitchen is relatively small so counter and storage space is very limited.

Here is before:
This cabinet was a hand me down from Billy's parents which we were so grateful for. It's served us well in the past 2 years but as our family is growing (along with my cookbook collection...) we needed something more practical - storage space, counter space, display space and of course kid friendly. So how do you do this on a budget? You buy some wood from Lowe's and cut, sand, nail/screw, paint, sand, paint some more...and voila! You have this lovely gem!

(I'm sure my husband would beg to differ on the simplicity of the above process!)

Then we added some shelves above the top in order to provide the display space I was looking for. Thanks to Billy's hard work we now have 4 more feet of counter space, a longer shelf for my cookbooks, a big basket full of tupperware (Luke's distraction while I cook) and more storage space for our bakeware in the drawers. We found really fun blue knobs at World Market - a set for just $4.

So here's a big shout out to that most amazing-creative-talented-hardworking-husband of mine :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Home Planning Notebook - Section 1

As promised, here's the first section of my Home Planning Notebook (a day early, at that!). I feel like a dork writing this...but as I said before it's been a big help to me. If you didn't read the previous post, check it out here before reading ahead. I didn't like any of the clip arts or free planning pages that I found online so I decided to make my own with some clipart I found on etsy. It's amazing what you can find on there!

The first section in my notebook, my calendar, is the smallest but for me the most important. I am very forgetful and tend to commit to something or think of something that I need to do and then forget what it was that I needed to do or who I made plans with. What am I, like 80??? It's been helpful for me to look the night before at what I have going on the next day and write down anything that needs to be done instead of starting my day wondering what's going on....

Here's the front:
This verse really spoke to my heart as I was working on this... my plans are ultimately to submit to the Lord, whatever that may look like for the day/month/year.

Next is my daily list of to-do's.
As I saw in another blog I broke it up into three sections. This was to help with feeling overwhelmed with one long list and realistically breaking it up into what will work for my day. Of course things come up and sometimes what's on my list doesn't get accomplished, but it helps having it laid out in small clusters of the day.

The last section is my monthly and yearly calendars:
I keep track of everything we have going on for the month here and reference it often. At first I thought I'd have to have separate calendars for different things - one for my notebook, one on the computer, one in my purse to schedule appts. and so on. But it just so happens that one of the perks of carrying a big purse is being able to carry my notebook with me :D So, sweet husband of mine, there is indeed a purpose to my "luggage" as you like to call it ;)

After the calendar is the rest of the year to keep up with things in coming months and then I keep blank daily to-do sheets after that.

And there's the start to my notebook, folks!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Pursuit of Time Management

I've found a new blog called Passionate Homemaking that has inspired much needed organization in my life. I've always thought I was pretty organized as Billy gives me a hard time weekly about my obsession with baskets and bins for our spare baskets and bins :) But for many months my days have left me feeling unaccomplished and quite frazzled to say the least. My finances in one place, my coupons in another place, grocery lists in one room while family calendar in another... I found myself getting frustrated and annoyed over the little things and one day in stillness before the Lord I realized what a [negative] impact it was having on my family. The Lord has been showing me how to conquer this and I am grateful for His guidance. One of the biggest problem areas was how my week was planned (or not so planned). God has been teaching me so much about my role and how praying over and planning out my week can radically transform the tone and feel of my home.

Inspired by this lovely post, Building a Home Planning Notebook, I've been organizing my life and home little by little. At first I was skeptical thinking there was no room for spontaneity, no room for random opportunities or any flexibility. But as I've prayed through each day and each week God has proven me wrong and shown me that 1. planning ahead of time makes our home much more peaceful; and 2. God is sovereign and He leads me to people and opportunities in the midst of the daily plans. It's really been neat to see His plans for me and how getting organized has actually given me more opportunities to see Him in the midst of my day. I feel like there is a pep in my step and a little more peace in my soul!

Each Friday (hopefully) I'll post a new section of my notebook and how we got a little more organized... I hope this helps bring a little more organization into your new year!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

GREAT find: DAVE of Brier Creek

One of my goals this year is to cut our grocery bill but still buy local, fresh and all natural foods. So in my mission to find a egg/milk/meat provider I came across Dave. I know, sounds a little sketch. But let me just tell you about Billy and I's new favorite person. I found him on Craigslist when searching for local eggs. He is a software engineer in Chapel Hill and moved to 2 acres of land about 2 years ago. He decided he needed something to put on his land so he randomly bought chickens. Luke found them fascinating and wanted to catch them so badly... maybe it will motivate him to walk ;) So back to Dave. He's been doing research and has learned how to feed his chickens off of his gigantic garden in the summer and uses cracked corn in the winter...resulting in beautiful, large, fresh and hormone free eggs! We worked out a deal and he gave me 18 eggs for just $2 today. Woohoo!

THEN we found out that he keeps a fantastic pesticide & fertilizer free garden in the Spring, Summer & Fall. He uses special red worms that create a natural fertilizer for gardens and double the size of your veggies. What's even better? If you use the compost of the worms (which is the natural fertilizer) and mix it with molasses and water then spray it on your plants, it kills several diseases and pests that tend to ruin gardens in the south. Sounds kind of crazy, but pretty amazing! He is going to show us how to raise our own worms (a little gross..but worth it) so we can have a great garden and he's going to help us get our garden started this Spring! We are very excited and thankful for our new friend, Dave. Last night Billy and I spent about an hour planning out our garden plots and what vegetables we'll be growing where...I'm very excited :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Luke Lately: just under 11 months

I can't believe my little...ok big...boy will be 1 year in just over a month. In the past week it's like his brain has skyrocketed in development and I really need to write it all down before I forget. So instead of going to find a blank piece of paper & working pen, writing everything down, not having anywhere to put said piece of paper and then losing it...I thought I'd jot down some thoughts on here really quickly before little...big...boy wakes up from his nap.

He is talking like a crazy man. From the moment he wakes up til the minute he falls asleep he jabbers up a storm. Billy and I can usually get him going on the words he knows and last night he surprised me with two more as we were reading his favorite "Colors" book. Here's a running list...
Ball - "baw"
Dada - "dadada"
Mama - "mamama"
More - "mooow"
Hot - "haaahhh" - this is by far his favorite word. Anytime a timer goes off, the microwave is finished or the oven beeps he races to the kitchen and says, "haahh"
Go - "gogogo" Guess he likes the succession of 3's??
Wyatt - "woof"
Night Night - "nyny"
Bottle/Milk - "baba"
Banana - "nananananana..." he keeps going until he runs out of breath
Nana - "nana"
Papa/Grandpa - "PawPaw"
"All Done" - Waves his hands in the air and says a few jibbery words
And his two newest additions: Blue - "bubu", Yellow - "elloello", Cracker - "caca"

Favorite Foods:
My easy eater has recently become a little more picky. He's not very interested in ground meats of any sort. He loves most noodles, almost all vegetables and has a love affair with blueberries. I think his running favorite is still bananas. Or at least he just likes to say bananas. He's very into carbs and his new treat Graham Crackers. He also loves cheerios.

Favorite Activities:
He got a tunnel for Christmas from my cousin Nicole so he loves crawling in and out of it to get to Billy or I. He also loves sitting on the colored rug and looking at books. He loves going outside on walks and exploring cabinets of all kinds. He is still obsessed with any or all electronics that are NOT children's toys. He's also obsessed with keys.

Favorite Books:
Peek-a-boo Baby, Color Party, Goodnight Kisses. He finds it very entertaining to make kissing sounds and when the book reads, "Who likes ______ kisses? Meeee!" He responds with "Mama!" instead of "Me" :) It's true...I love snuggly, fluffy, happy, squeaky and goodnight kisses.

Favorite Person:
DADADA. I think I'm going to take a video camera with me on Friday when we drop Billy off at work so you can get an honest understanding of his love for his dada. Full. Blown. Meltdown. Any time Billy leaves the room, house or car crocodile tears are sure to follow. It was really sweet the first or second time. It's getting a little old now.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year

A new year already? 2010 is finished? Where did 365 days go? It's hard to imagine that 2010, 2009, 2008, and so on are gone forever. I've been dwelling a lot on the fact that 2010 is now over and found myself wishing time would just slow down for a bit, fearful that life is moving a bit too fast for my liking. In the past 5 years I met the man of my dreams, fell in love, found an amazing church body and community, got married, bought a house, finished college, and had a baby. Don't get me wrong, I truly love it. I love my job and where God has me right now. I love this season of early mornings, tiny fingerprint-coated everything, lazy evenings with my hubs after a long day of running around with my little one. But I fear it's moving too fast. Candidly, it's been keeping me awake at night, fearing what the future holds for us, fearing that that sooner or later I am going to be 80 years old with zero kids in the house, no husband and wishing I was 20 again. Sad (and sinful), right? But in my sinfulness and conviction, God reminded me this morning exactly what I needed to cling to as we approach this new year. And every year.

In the wasteland, a howling wilderness, He encircled [Jacob], He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye. As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings, so the Lord alone led them. Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and I will deliver you.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
For this is God, our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death. Who teaches like Him?

Psalm 107:7; Deuteronomy 32:10-12; Isaiah 46:4; Psalm 23:3-4; Isaiah 58:11; Psalm 48:14; Job 36:22, emphasis added

So in this new year I am challenged once more to live purposefully. Here are my resolutions for 2011:

1. Love the Lord and His Word more - spend more intimate time alone with Him and carving out time regularly to memorize and cherish His word
2. Grow deeper in my knowledge of Christ - read through the Bible
3. Make my home a peaceful and worship filled place of refuge to all who enter
4. Read a book a month - Thanks Anne for some suggestions to add to my list!
5. Live fearlessly and freely in Christ - clinging to Scripture in times of doubt and trusting that He is sovereign and He alone is good.
6. Spend more time praying with my husband and son
7. Spend more time outside
8. Grow an awesome vegetable garden - I got 2 new books for Christmas and our composting is in the works...I'm very excited :)
9. Drink more water
10. Lower my grocery bill without sacrificing proper & natural nutrition

What are some of your New Year Resolutions? Leave a comment and share some, or link to your blog where you've posted yours!