Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's ok to be hungry.

As mentioned a multitude of times, my kids eat.  And would eat all day if I let them.  One day as I was cleaning up an hour after breakfast, which is an hour before snack time (don't misunderstand - it involved 2 bowls of oatmeal each, a muffin, some fruit and possibly some eggs) my kids thought "go play in the playroom" meant, "go rummage through the pantry."  So I stopped and asked Luke what exactly he was doing in the pantry which of course led to, "because I am so hungry!  I just want to eat something right this minute!"  And I thought to myself, for heaven's sake it is ok to feel hungry!!!  

And lately as phrases like, "I'm staaaaarrvvvinnnngg", and, "I am so hungry!" start to appear within just moments of finishing a meal, I've had to step back and really process how I'm supposed - correction - WANT to respond.  

We live in a life of overindulgence.  A day filled with more, more, more.  America is the second most obese country in the world. We are given a hand full of options for every meal and those in between, while some are begging for just a hand full of food for their entire family that day.  And it causes me to pause; to wonder; aside from developing poor eating habits, it causes me to assess what I'm teaching my children.  I don't want to feed the lie that they always need more.  Or make them oblivious to the multitudes around us who are living with far less.  We teach them to give to those in need, to help feed the hungry, but I have to confess.  Do they even now what true hunger is?

I have read excerpts from a book titled, French Kids Eat, which speaks in detail on this topic of snacking all day.  Feeling that we can't ever let our children feel hunger.  I'm hoping to take time to finish the book this Christmas, but in the mean time you can take a read and let me know what you think :)

Another "cries of hunger" moment for my kids some time after my revelation of being ok with hunger in our home (who am I kidding, it was probably 5 minutes after they wandered into the playroom) I finally decided to just say it.  "It's ok!  To be hungry!"  And much to my ended it with Luke.  And that was that.  

So next time when I tell them its another 30 minutes until our 9:30am snack time, or that they might have to wait another 15 minutes for dinner... I will also remind them that sometimes, it's be hungry.  

*disclaimer: I feed my children.  Very well.  I do not starve them.  And this is not an endorsement for the book, French Kids Eat.  

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