Tuesday, August 5, 2014

So this one time...

We moved to Chicago.  Bought a house.  Moved to a different part of Chicago.  Then had a baby 2 weeks later.  Despite a couple rounds of bronchitis, a pulled back muscle and getting the entire house painted before he arrived, we survived and are absolutely in love.

Meet the newest fella of the family, sweet Parker Alexander.
 8 lbs. 4 oz., 20.5 inches of chubby goodness.  Those. Cheeks.  No but really.  They overlap his chin.  He is our shortest, yet chubbiest.  

 Squishy baby in a basket.  Swoon.  [My new neighbors likely think there is something mentally wrong with me after watching me photograph a naked 4 day old on my front porch.]

Giant feet and hands, as usual for Grimme children.

And the smitten big brothers.  Hugs and kisses.  All day long.  

Going into the c-section at a new hospital with a new doctor I was anxious, to say the least.  My first two deliveries, not so spectacular.  My c-section with Everett was far better than my delivery with Luke - but still not my favorite.  But this time... this time!  I could cry about it!  Maybe I did cry about it!  Though still a C-Section, it was the most pleasant, and dare I say enjoyable, experience for us.  From the moment we walked into Northwestern it was so peaceful and structured and mother-baby everything.  One of my biggest concerns was the anesthesia, as last time I went completely numb.  Head to toe.  Felt like I was unable to breath.  Couldn't speak.  Couldn't open and close my eyes.  And just kept vomiting on the table but not able to move, so well, that was lovely.  All after laboring for 10 hours.  But this time once we were in pre-op, every single person involved with the procedure came and introduced themselves, asked my concerns, then listened and heard my concerns, then told me what they were going to do about it.  Then they said it was time to go, so I literally walked next door and got on the operating table.  My doctor walked in, asked me what Pandora station I wanted to listen to, and then they got the party started.  Truly, the most wonderful group of people.  Had I been able to get up and walk right away I might have given them all hugs and kisses.  Don't worry.  I couldn't.  

The anesthesia started doing exactly what it did before, numbing my entire body.  But thanks to their willingness to hear me out, they were prepared and as soon as my blood pressure dropped (80/50) they quickly remedied the situation and we were smooth sailing.  When Parker was born, they weighed him, wrapped him, and handed him to Billy.  And from that moment he didn't leave our sight.  Granted, I was slightly confused.  Don't you bathe him?  Don't you take him away for all these tests?  Nope.  He's yours.  And everything we need to do can be done in your room.  So...for the remainder of the c-section we just hung out with Parker.  Billy just sat with me and Parker laid with me.  Then when we were done and on our way to recovery Billy carried Parker to recovery.  About an hour later we were in our room with Parker and it was so peaceful. and quiet.  and heavenly.  My pain stayed so low, by that afternoon I was able to walk, Parker was peeing and pooping and nursing, and 2 days later we were discharged early and headed home.

We could not be more thankful for how everything went from start to finish.

So, here's what I know to be true: God is good and faithful and gracious all the time.  In the midst of Luke and Everett's deliveries, as unpleasant and scary as they were, we knew He was still good and just.  We never felt forgotten or forsaken.  And during this delivery with Parker, as pleasant and beautiful as it was, we knew the same to be true.  He is still good and faithful.  And we were overwhelmed by His grace during this time and the many many ways He went before us and took care of so many details and fears of ours.

And on that note, I do believe I'll go finish my coffee!  

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