Saturday, July 17, 2010

Holy Moly...

Luke sleeps on his belly.

The bag I made for Lucy's big 1st birthday! In side were matching "memory game" cards with numbers and shapes. Quite a learning process, for sure, but lots of fun and I was pretty pleased with the result.

Grimme fam in PA
Grandma Rust watching the Tampa Rays game.
Blowing out the candles on her 90th birthday!!!

I'm tuckered out! Phew, I can't believe we're already midway through July. WHERE has this year gone??

The Travel:
This summer has been loads of fun so far, quite a bit of traveling as mentioned last time. And with traveling comes packing...and then of course the dreadful unpacking and laundry make-up days to follow. Billy had to work in Pennsylvania so Luke and I jumped on board and went to visit my wonderful cousins who live very close to where Billy was working. We had a great time :) Then the next weekend we moved on to Florida to celebrate my grandma's 90th!! birthday. What a sweet time it was for her... My dad got little poppers with streamers to pull as she blew out the candles. As the evening went on, her description of events evolved from "streamers" to "fireworks" to "explosives" and then ended up at "bombs." I think her exact words were, "I've never had a birthday party as wild and crazy as this...we even had bombs at my party!!" It was wonderful celebrating with her. The flying wasn't bad on the way there (minus the lost luggage...) and Luke did great - slept the entire way, including the connecting flights and even on the way to the hotel. He didn't, in fact, wake up until the next morning - what a blessing. The way home, not so much.....

We had a couple weeks at home which was nice, and now we're gearing up for our next round of adventures. Billy is currently in Alaska working/fishing and Luke and I just got back from spending the night in Henderson with my dad. Next Monday Billy and I will be celebrating 2 years of marriage. I can't believe it. I am BLESSED by such a patient, selfless, and generous husband. The Lord has given him such a heart to provide for Luke and I and he is an absolutely fantastic father. Sometimes when he comes home I think, man he's going to be exhausted after flying all day... and while he is completely pooped, he jumps right in and finds such joy in playing with and caring for our son. Next Wednesday we leave for Georgia to hangout with our AWESOME sister and brother-in-law for a few days and then we will go to a state park in Georgia to camp for a week with my extended family.

The Jobs:
As many of you know, Billy's job requires him to travel. A ton. We have been praying that the Lord would bring something new into his life, a perfect fit for our family. He's had a few interviews but just recently he had a first interview with a company that he would LOVE to work for. He has a second interview on Monday, and the cofounder wants to talk with him Friday before the interview. We've gotten wind of a few things from our friend that works for the company and we are hopeful and believing for big things from our awesome God.

About a month ago (after visiting my cousins in Pennsylvania) I started a program called Herbalife. It's a nutrition company that focuses on whole body wellness and cellular nutrition. After my cousin heard my birth story and how I was STILL dealing with the aftermath of a complicated delivery + a massive baby she was convinced that Herbalife would make a difference. And it DID! I am finally healing (I would say I'm almost 100%..woo!), I've had more energy, my digestive system is functioning better, and I've lost 8 pounds of my pregnancy weight! It has been incredible for me so I decided to get on board with her and become a distributor. Already friends have started on various programs and are beginning to see a difference in their overall health. What I love about it is that it's all natural, all plant-based, and all REALLY good for our bodies. It gives our bodies the exact amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that we need (according to the American Association of Medicine) without having to add a ton of extra food and calories to our diet. Needless to say, I'm a fan and have had a great time spreading the news.

Well, I finally bit the bullet and bought a sewing machine :) I've wanted to for a while but was having a hard time finding time to buy one and figure things out. I've had a blast with it and have been making a few things here and there, including something mighty special for some dear friends of ours who's daughter just turned 1. It's been a learning process but I love what I've been able to make.

I'm still working on the Radical book. It's been so great to read through, but with raising a little boy (who doesn't seem to think sleep is a fantastic idea during the day), traveling, laundry, cooking, appointments, sewing, Herbalife and quality time with my husband, I haven't made a ton of time for casual reading lately....

The Boy:
Last, but definitely not least. He is 5 1/2 months and looks like a 2 year old. That is a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. He is huge. Very tall, hands are huge, feet are long, it's just crazy. He is wearing mostly 9 month onsies and anything with feet...everything else is too short or makes his toes scrunched up in the end. His waist is itty bitty, though, so he's wearing 0-3 month shorts. The child loves to eat. In fact, I think that's probably when he's most delighted. It's a good thing I decided to make his own baby food! He's sitting up on his own, for the most part. Absolutely LOVES Wyatt. Laughs hysterically anytime Wyatt makes noises. He is very active and wants to be involved in everyone and everything. Loves faces and is really big into grabbing them to make sure he has your full attention and then gives a monster grin that takes up his whole face. He's been saying, "hyyyyy" a lot lately and I'm wondering if it's just his noise of the week or if it's because we always say, "hiii" to him :) He wants so badly to crawl but isn't quite there yet. He rolls around a ton and startling last week he is officially sleeping on his belly all on his own. One night I went in to check on him and he was curled up in a corner of his crib snuggled on his belly (very sweet).

I think that's all for now. I'll post pictures soon once Billy brings our camera back from Alaska ;)