Luke is growing a TON, and while I think that 4 months isn't really that old, I feel like my little baby isn't such a little baby anymore! He's quite the noise maker and we've finally conquered naps. I had read that around 4 months of age their sleeping cycles regulate and they become better sleepers during the day and night. Truth! Little boy blue is now taking 2 naps a day, in bed by 6:30 and doesn't wake up until 7:30 or 8 the following morning. He's also started solids. I just couldn't keep up with how much milk he wanted and formula was tearing up his stomach. So we tried rice cereal and he LOVES it. Along with bananas. Later today we're going to try peas...we'll see how that goes! It's been fun learning to make baby food :) Luke is also a huge fan of water...bath, lake, pools. It's been a fun start to the summer so far, and the coming months bring more fun and lots of travel. Billy, Luke and I will be going to Pennsylvania, Florida, Charleston and Georgia between now and the first of August. Traveling with a baby will be interesting but I'm looking forward to it.
Recently a friend posted a link on facebook for a promo video highlighting the new book Radical, by David Platt (thanks Anne :)). As if the video weren't powerful enough, I read the bio on and thought it would be a fun book for Billy and I to read through together. Fun? Hah :) I could think of many other words that would describe the heart change God is moving us towards while reading this book, but I'll save it for another post once we're finished with it. In the meantime - go pick it up and take a read.